The cornerstone of MHA was the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP®), which permanently reduced mortgage payments to affordable levels for qualifying borrowers. Treasury, under TARP, launched Making Home Affordable® (MHA), to provide mortgage relief to homeowners and prevent avoidable foreclosures. Contact your mortgage company or lender directly to inquire about available solutions. Mortgage companies will continue to offer assistance. Although this resource is no longer available to homeowners, help is still available. In December 2016, the Making Home Affordable (MHA) program expired. As part of this broad response to the housing crisis, Treasury, under TARP, established two central programs, Making Home Affordable® (MHA) and the Hardest Hit Fund® (HHF). In February 2009, President Obama announced a number of steps to strengthen the housing market and help struggling homeowners avoid foreclosure.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had been in conservatorship for four months, and American families were struggling to buy and keep their homes. Home values had fallen by nearly one-third. By the time the Obama Administration took office in January 2009, home prices had fallen for 30 straight months. economy was facing the fallout from a housing bubble that by some measures had doubled home prices in a period of six years. The MHA program expired on December 31, 2016, however, help may still be available through your mortgage company or through the Homeowner Assistance Fund.

This page provides general background and information on the housing programs established by Treasury under TARP.