Other than that medical and healing would be more faster and more effective and lower amputations are needed to make the patient live and there can be vaccines that can protect the people from dangerous diseases that can come out and spread across the cities/settlements. Kinguin, a known reseller that usually sells game keys for a lower price than the original, has posted Frostpunk 2 in its repository and listed it as available to pre-order. Since the technology of most settlements are advanced they will have the power to go back to their original cities such as Berlin, Moscow, London and etc and find new technologies there and could eventually make livable or comfortable housing there and bring the survivors there if overpopulation kicks in. Kinguin has removed Frostpunk 2 from pre-order after the developers at 11 Bit Studios publicly complained about the early, unapproved listing on its site. Other than that New London could encounter the Russians in a big building which if identified would be a large factory that produces heat, food (Hothouses and outside hunting), coal and steel (they'll have to get the wood outside) and it will have beds for over a few thousands of people. is no longer listed for pre-order on Kinguin. For example New Liverpool's encounter the French Crève-neige (snowpiercer) when they uncovered the rails that have been covered by the snow they will find a new line that is operation and someday encounter the train itself with French survivors in it. As most cities established communication lines with each other they'll began to find other cities/settlements that are of other nationalities.