If you are reading the manual, read 2-3 steps ahead of where you are at.You are going to need them at one point and if you have someone holding a heavy item while you search out a bolt or hose it is going to be a long day! Disassemble the packaging and pieces and have a look through them to ensure all pieces are there and get an idea of what each item is.There are some heavy pieces that need to be moved into place and the less you have to move them the better.
#Snap ring pliers o reilly install#
#Snap ring pliers o reilly manual#
This manual has been put together and maintained over the years and will include all the tricks we have learned to make the assembly of your as seamless as possible The manual should be included with your item but if you cannot locate it simply go to the product page on our website and download it for FREE.

Before tackling this project here are a few tips that we think will make your life a little bit easier:

Most items we offer can be setup and assembled by two people within a reasonable time frame. Selling automotive equipment we have found that most of our customers are mechanically minded and look forward to settting up and assembling their new purchase.